Our Process.

We offer a quick and easy way to get your off-site team up and running, with minimal hassle.


Getting started is easy. Our process is the perfect solution for businesses and practices of all sizes. To establish your remote team, we will work through our 6-step process with you.


Establishment Phase

  • We will complete a client needs assessment and identify any challenges your business currently faces, potential implications of not addressing those issues and how you want your business to operate. We will then explore suitable solutions.

    Our recommendations and your quote will be presented to you. The proposal will focus on the best solution for your business and will be based on several factors including:

    • Key business area(s), responsibilities and tasks to be delegated to the remote workforce.

    • What specialised and/or general experience is required by each remote staff member.

    • The expected workload and preferred work hours.

    • Software requirements.

  • We will complete an intensive recruitment process. Our recruitment team will set out to headhunt the best candidates, completing preliminary interviews, tests and all the required background checks. Once you have selected your new team, we then run through our internal onboarding process.

    During the teams one-month probation period, we will promptly replace any candidate you are not happy with, at no cost. After the initial month, one month's notice is required, unless agreed otherwise.

  • Each staff member will complete Allied Orbit's set-up requirements prior to starting with you. These will include the following:

    • Completion of our Contractor and Non-Disclosure agreements.

    • Completion of our internal training process.

    • Implementation of the Contractors Data Protection Procedure. We will provide a copy of our procedure should you wish to review this.

    • Home office set-up including hardening of workstations by our IT and Cyber Security Manager and testing internet connection stability and speed.

    • Downloading and training in our sophisticated activity tracking and security software.

    • Any specific software set-up and training required, such as in our call centre, live chat, or transcription software.


Onboarding Phase

  • When working with a remote team there must be a system in place that ensures efficient collaboration. In the remote world, working with staff is quite simple, despite the distance and time zone differentials. Businesses are moving to cloud-based solutions for the many benefits it provides. You need to consider the following components for a successful operating system integrating a remote team:

    • Remote Access: We recommend you provide your team with secure remote access to your internal or cloud-based computer system and network, enabling them to 'remote login' and work directly in your network. We will co-ordinate with your IT Manager to help facilitate set-up and cover security requirements.

    • File sharing software.

    • Communication tools.

    • Project management software.

    • Screen recording.

    • Email.

  • Your remote team is now ready to join your company. We will complete an induction process and help train your team in their roles.


Performance Phase

  • We will provide you with daily, weekly and/or monthly perfor­mance reports so that you know what's going on in your remote team. If there are any issues, we'll get them resolved ASAP. We will also help create a growth strategy for your remote team.