Your Remote Staffing Partner. We help you to delegate administration tasks, boost productivity and significantly cut costs.

  • This will depend on a number of factors such as, how many workers you will require, what roles, skill sets and experience is required. Lastly, what training and process development is needed.

    Generally, it takes between 3 to 6 weeks from accepting our proposal to securing and integrating suitable candidate/s into your organisation.

  • Allied Orbit is a managed solution provider of off-site teams, we are not an Agency. We provide experienced high-quality staff in secured home-based offices at lower costs. We handle all of the team management, HR, end-user security, payroll and activity monitoring requirements for our clients. This provides our clients confidence in the remote work business model and allows everyone to focus on what they do best.

  • We are constantly researching markets to identify the most suitable options for our clients. Currently most of our contractors are from the Philippines and New Zealand. Our recruitment team are continually reviewing, vetting and testing potential candidates. We complete an extensive screening and due diligence process to each new recruit. We complete systems capabilities, criminal, education, work history, and reference checks.

    There are many reasons why we have chosen the Philippines as a primary market for talent.

    Here are just a few:

    1. The Philippines is the 3rd largest English speaking country in the world.

    2. High standards of universities and education.

    3. The Filipino accent is Americanised due to their education. It sounds professional and is readily accepted by Australians and New Zealanders.

    4. Filipinos have a great work ethic and are hardworking.

    5. High unemployment and a poor economy provides limited opportunities in their own country.

  • There are a myriad of challenges and issues that we address for clients when working with a remote team. Some of these include:

    • Workers arriving late or disappearing from their shift or job entirely.

    • Concerns and confusion as to whether the remote team are working.

    • Inability to gain trust and commitment from workers.

    • IT-related issues including poor internet connections and equipment.

    • Communication cultural insensitivities.

    • Falsified documents and resumes provided during the recruitment process.

    • Power and weather issues of specific regions causing long periods of inability to work.

    The list goes on... and on…

    We make the process easy for our clients. Our experience reduces the issues faced and we have specialised human-tech tools and processes that keep remote workers accountable and fully monitored.

    We also have a highly trained support and recruitment team. All these steps are in place to help provide a successful remote workforce solution.

  • We offer a full-time solution with a minimum of 8 work hours per day, 5-7 days per week.

    To help us to attract quality dedicated contractors we provide long-term sustainable work opportunities.

  • We have a flexible offering for those who would like a month-by-month plan or an annual plan at the discounted rates. We always remind our clients that it takes around 2 - 4 weeks to train a new team member in your business, like it would any new staff.

    If you are not 100% happy with a member of your team, bring it to our attention and we’ll replace them at no additional cost.

  • We charge a fixed monthly subscription based on the rostered hours per calendar month. This not only includes your contractor hours but an HR Manager, Support Manager, end-user IT Manager, local Client Service manager, activity monitoring and reporting, and workstation maintenance.

    Clients are invoiced on a monthly basis, payable before the 1st of every month, 1 month in advance.

    Should the contractors not work their full shift hours in any given calendar month (at the onus of the contractor), the calculated un-worked hours will be credited back in the following months invoice.

  • We require 1 month in advance to help ensure our clients fulfil their one month cancellation requirement.

    We can save our clients 10s of thousands in recruitment costs and 100s of thousands in annual costs. We have found our 1 month in-advance policy helps to retain quality contractors and clients who understand and appreciate the benefits of engaging our service.

    Allied Orbit has a strict company policy to avoid dealing with clients who place us at risk of late payments. If an invoice is not paid in accordance with our terms, Allied Orbit will suspend the client from working with the remote team, until the overdue invoice is paid in full.

  • We calculate the subscription fee using the following pcm method:

    Example: The hourly rate is multiplied by 8 hrs for full-time = Daily rate

    The daily rate is multiplied by 5 days in a working week = Weekly rate

    The weekly rate is multiplied by 52 weeks = Annual rate

    The annual rate is divided by 12 months = Monthly rate

    For example: ($12.50 x 8 hours x 5 days x 52 weeks) / 12 month = $2,166 (+GST) pm

    Any un-worked hours due to absence are credited back in the following months invoice.

  • For any contractor that is located offshore and managed through our New Zealand based staffing company, they are not subject to Australian nor New Zealand employment laws. (Note, if you were to pay them directly, then you would be considered an employer and would be subject to PAYG, with-holding tax, minimum wage levels etc). We manage all international transfers and withholding tax requirements.

    Our offshore contractors are paid above the expected local wages as we only want to attract the most highly educated and professional contractors. They are earning more than they would if working for an outsourcing company in the Philippines or India.

    The cost of living is significantly lower in third world countries. The majority of our contractors in the past have worked for big outsourcing centres in highly populated areas such as Manila. Many of them have to wake at 4am to commence the commute to get to work by 6am. That’s why working from a home office is so appealing. It’s great to be able to help people in third world countries, and at the same time help your bottom line and productivity.

  • We will replace any contractor you are unhappy with at anytime within the two months, at no cost. After 2 months, you will need to give 4 weeks' notice before terminating a specific contractor.

  • Allied Orbit is serious about confidentiality and the security of your data. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, privacy and security. Strict confidentiality regarding the data of clients is fundamental to our operations.

    Our IT Security specialist completes an in-depth work station audit and hardens the physical and cloud-based computers. He also trains the contractor in best practices. Over 18 categories of security measures are implemented. Each workstation is reviewed every 6 to 12 months.

    Our privacy policy describes the key measures incorporated in our procedures to ensure we remain compliant and adhere to the governing privacy bodies, including:

    • New Zealand Information Privacy Principles contained within the Privacy Act 1993

    • Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)

    • The Privacy Electronic Communications Directive regulations 2003 (Australia)

    • National Privacy Principles 9 (Australian Trans-border data flows

    • The Data Privacy Act 2011 (Philippines)

    • HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996)

    • HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act)

    If you would like to learn more about our measures, please contact us. We can also provide you with a copy of our Data Protection Training requirements, that each contractor must undertake.