About Us.

Your go-to partner for high performing, secure and affordable remote staffing solutions.

Remote staffing firm and managed service partner, supporting you through every step of the journey.

OrbitCo is part of the OrbitCo collective, founded by a group of Australasian executives and medical specialists in 2015. More than a decade ago, our medical division, Allied Orbit, pioneered delivering Virtual Medical Assistant & Specialist Solutions throughout New Zealand and Australia.

Our high-quality, digitally empowered, offshore workforce solutions are tailored precisely to support our clients business; giving them a competitive edge with access to a global talent pool of highly skilled professionals. Our human-tech integrated solutions offer the perfect marriage between cutting-edge technology and reliable, secure and quality-driven services.

We are passionate about helping businesses to grow whilst also providing work to those in need; those who are highly competent and educated, yet do not have the same opportunities as people located in the developed countries.

For all businesses, a global workforce is the way of the future. By recruiting staff from a low-cost environment to undertake process-driven work, your local staff can focus on higher revenue-generating activities.